Welcome to the Policy People Podcast. In this conversation I learn about the process of starting a digital think tank when in lockdown with Adriana Abdenur. We discuss her personal encounter with COVID, the drama of setting up a tank virtually, the benefits of remote hiring, the importance of institutional networks for new tanks, how tank funding is secured in the global South , the causes behind the lack of female leadership in tanks, the plight of NGOs in Bolsonaro’s Brazil, how climate change is reconfiguring security policy, and many more topics.
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Adriana Abdenur is Co-Founder of Plataforma CIPO, a Brazil-based, women-led think tank focusing on the intersection of climate, peace-building and conflict policy. Before starting her own tank, Adriana worked at other tanks in Brazil, where she headed climate and safety projects as well as peace-building operations in Latin America and elsewhere in the Global South. She is now also a Senior Fellow at the UN’s University Center for Policy Research, where she works on climate governance and innovation. In addition to her professional commitments, Adriana is also a proud mother of two. You can reach Adriana on LinkedInand on Twitter. Her Twitter handle is @aabdenur.
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